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Nippon Express Bangladesh Ltd.

Nippon Express Bangladesh Ltd. is a joint venture company between Nippon Express and Golden Harvest. Nippon Express is one of the top transportation and Logistics Company in the world having offices in 38 countries, 217 cities at 406 locations around the globe.

Nippon Express continues to expand its services and support for emerging regions through logistics, concurrently it has developed its services to meet the needs of the active ASEAN countries. The company has established a local joint venture subsidiary in Bangladesh with Golden Harvest in 2012.

The company is operated under the Japanese Management and serves as logistics consultant, providing one-stop business solutions that connect people and companies beyond national and regional boundaries using diverse logistics modes, integrating land, air, and marine transport. NEBD has its own warehouse facilities in Dhaka, Gazipur-Mawna, Tongi and transportations management solution nationwide with offices in Dhaka, Chittagong, Benapole and Ishwardi.

For more information please visit: Nippon Express