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JITA Bangladesh is a social business that aims to create sustainable income for marginalized (Bottom of Pyramid) rural women through distribution and market development.

JITA’s distribution model is operated in rural Bangladesh. At the center of its distribution system are Aparajitas or “women who do not accept defeat”. Aparajitas are women who are most marginalized from the formal economy and act as last mile sales agents, selling products and services from door-to-door. The Aparajitas receive their products from “hubs” or stockist points, which are managed by JITA.

The Handshake

From November 2018, Golden Harvest and jita has agreed on a common mission of improving the food consumption of rural community through enabling consumption of Golden Harvest products. The synergy of combined team efforts is expected to improve the quality of ready-to-eat food consumption at rural level.

The Synergy

Golden Harvest is Bangladesh’s one of the leading business groups with diversified interests in Food, Dairy, Commodity, Information Technology, Logistics, Real Estate, Aviation, Infrastructure Development and Insurance.
Golden Harvest has been a pioneering force in the frozen food sector in Bangladesh and is the country’s first company to develop its own Cold Chain network in collaboration with USAID.

Golden Harvest strongly believes in giving back to the society and runs a CSR programme that includes Bangladesh Human Rights Foundation, TAC Charitable Hospital, Alvina Samdani Trust and Samdani Art Foundation that organizes Dhaka Art Summit, the largest non-commercial South Asian art dedicated event.

JITA’s social mission is to create economic and employment opportunities for rural and marginalized women through engaging them in the marketplace as producers, suppliers, distributors, consumers and anything in between. JITA business model serves consumers (women in particular)at the Base of the Pyramid and enables women to gain a measure of financial autonomy and decision-making authority within their households and their communities. JITA provide market development and distribution services and solutions to remote-last mile communities.

Through Jita, Golden Harvest products are available to remote last mile communities.