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For a long time finished dairy products has been relying heavily on import. Recently there has been a lot of investment in the dairy sector. Dairy farm is a core agricultural venture with big demand supply gap and space for adding value in the product chain. With its experience in agro value addition, Golden Harvest has started a state of the art dairy farm in Gowainghat, Sylhet. Since its inception, the Dairy unit of Golden Harvest has been producing high quality milk and milk based products like Liquid Milk, Ghee, Yogurt, Paneer, Mozzarella cheese, etc.
The farm currently has 7+ acres of high land with indoor herd management facilities. The project is in continuous expansion and involves a herd with a size of more than 700 high yielding cows directly and indirectly. The cows and calves are kept in a hygienic and comfortable environment with full time supervision. Good quality feeds and fodder, round the clock veterinarian support and routine vaccination program ensure good health of the herd and great milk from the cows. More than 6 acres of land is being cultivated with high breed grasses to ensure continuous green grass supply.
In addition to its own contribution towards agricultural value addition, Golden Harvest has been providing high breed calves to the neighboring farmers as part of its social responsibility initiative. These calves will contribute in the farmers’ financial stability and provide a ready source of dairy milk to bolster their daily mix of nutritious food intake. Golden Harvest is also arranging regular training, vaccination programs and providing medicine and veterinarian services on a continual basis. Good quality milk from these cows are also being bought by Golden Harvest, in which way the farmers get continuous support for this contract farming program; and are able to quickly scale up their cattle numbers with financial assurance of sustainability.